We hope you are staying safe and well during the Sydney lockdown. If you are looking for support, the University has a good collection of support and resources. And Study NSW has collected resources for international students.
You can find the updated list of NSW COVID-19 case locations on the NSW Health website.
Up-to-date lockdown rules for NSW can be found on the NSW Government website.
The NSW Government has announced a 60 day stop on evictions for renters who have lost significant income (25% or more) and have fallen into rent arrears. They also strongly encouraged landlords to provide rent relief to impacted renters by reducing rent or waiving arrears. Check the Tenants’ Union Renters’ Guide to COVID-19 or contact us if you need help talking to your landlord about rent reductions.
If you have lost income due to a lockdown, or if you are required to self isolate or look after someone with COVID-19, you may be eligible for financial assistance. These payments are available to both local and international students:
The University has financial assistance available for students:
Check the University COVID-19 information page for updates on how restrictions affect University campuses, facilities and services.
As always, you can contact us for help with any issues you are having. Our casework and legal services are here to help!
Stay in touch with us