SUPRA Council

SUPRA is governed by a council of democratically elected postgrad students. The council is responsible for governing the organisation, and for representing postgraduate students at the University of Sydney.

The council term is 1 July to 30 June every year.

SUPRA Council is made up of 37 councillors. Of these, 31 are elected through the General Election (general councillors) and 6 are autonomously elected through the Equity Elections (equity officers).

To ensure representation, council reserves:

  • 12 positions for women students
  • 6 positions for international students
  • 6 positions for coursework students
  • 6 positions for research students
  • 3 positions for students who are not cis-gendered
  • 3 positions for students located at campuses other than Camperdown/Darlington.

Council meets at least once a month and considers all the matters of governance relevant to the organisation. Members who are not councillors are invited to observe and participate in council meetings, though they do not have voting rights. Council is run according to formal meeting procedures as outlined in our Rules of Order. These are designed to facilitate discussion.

Council meeting dates are published on our wall calendar, in our weekly newsletter, Grad Post, and in our website events calendar. If you would like to attend a council meeting, email for an invite.

Current SUPRA Council

Updated September 2024

SUPRA Executive


Vivian Bai

Hello, I’m Vivian, a PhD student at the University of Sydney. I began my journey with SUPRA through volunteering and became a councillor over two years ago. I am dedicated to enhancing the student experience and advocating for postgraduate rights, focusing on community engagement and support for all postgraduate students.

Co-Vice Presidents

Xingyan Zhou

I am dedicated to enhancing student life through advocacy, event organization, and community building, combining academic excellence with a passion for student leadership and inclusivity.

Qiuming Zhang

My name is Qiuming Zhang. I am currently pursuing a Master’s in Interaction Design and Electronic Arts at the University of Sydney. As the Vice President of the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association, I am dedicated to advocating for postgraduate students’ rights and enhancing their academic and social experiences.


Yuhang Li

I am studying the Master of Computer Science. I joined SUPRA as volunteer at beginning of this semester. In the past half year, I have actively participated in and responsible for several events. These experiences have enhanced my dedication to serving our postgraduate community.

Venkata Vishal Kotari

My name is Venkata Vishal Kotari, a master’s student in IT and Management. For 8 months, I’ve volunteered with SUPRA, assisting international students and ensuring they receive support. I also advocate for equal student access.


Anzhe (Rafael) Li

I’m a Master of Commerce student majoring in the good old cliche accounting. I am an indie rock enjoyer, a huge Formula 1 fan and I’m into all kinds of sport. Come have a chat with me if you share any of these hobbies! 

Education Officer

Weihong Liang

I’m a PhD student from FASS. I was SUPRA President from 2022 to 2024, and am now Education Officer from 2024 to 2025. I’m focused on campaigning and advocacy.

Co-HDR Officers

Rebecca Radebold

I’m from New York, USA and in my first year of my PhD in theoretical quantum physics. I love run club, swimming, coastal walks, and cooking.

Ge (Gary) Jin

I’m from Suzhou, China and in the fourth year of my PhD in medical imaging visualisation. I have visited Kiama Heights an unhealthy amount of times, and I’m in possession of a guitar.

Other officers

Co-Directors of Student Publications

Anne Ailina Li

Hi! My name is Anne. I am a PhD student in neuroscience. I love meeting new people and would love to learn more about your experiences, please come say hi! 🙂

Xuan (Kate) Zhang

I love stories, books, music, games, sketching, dubbing, journalism, dreams, theme parks, making friends, chatting with them, Sydney sunrises, my hometown Zhenjiang, and all the SUPRA events.

Co-Community Engagement Officers

Dihao (Amper) Zhu

Hi everyone, I am Dihao (Amper). I am a Master of Computer Science student. As a SUPRA councillor, I will focus on providing our members with more and better community services and building a more friendly community environment. Make it easier for students to make friends in SUPRA.

Xinghuan (Tony) Wang

Hi, my name is Xinghuan (Tony) Wang. I am an international student, currently studying in the Master of Commerce Extension (Finance and Data Analytics in Business) at the University of Sydney.

Equity Officers

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer

Brendan Loizou

Disabilities Officer

Gemma Lucy Smart

I’m Gemma – your SUPRA Disability Equity Officer and your HDR representative on the Disability Inclusion Action Plan Implementation Committee. I’m a PhD researcher and here to do what we can to improve the lives of students with disabilities/disabled students at the University. I run the SUPRA Disability and Inclusion Network as a way of connecting with other students and providing them a space for community and advocacy. I’m passionate about disability inclusion, accessibility, awareness, and activism.

International Student Officer

Zhenzhen Liu

I am an IT student and also an international student at Usyd, I hope to do what I can to service international students and make campus life easier, and focus on the students’ concerns.

Satellite Campus Officer

Ahjeong Yoo

I am passionate about fostering a sense of community for all of us. I study dentistry and you can find me going from one campus to another every day! In my spare time I like to host dinner and board game nights, play the ukulele or go hiking.

Queer Officer

Haolong (Fryderyk) Liao

Hi, I am Fryderyk, and I am a Master of Professional Accounting and Business Performance student at USYD. As the Queer Officer at SUPRA, I am dedicated to advocating for the queer community, ensuring their voices are heard, and fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

Women’s Officer

Yiman Wu

I am Yiman Wu, pursuing a Master’s in Strategic Public Relations. My focus as SUPRA’s Women Officer is on building a solid and inclusive platform where every woman’s voice is heard and valued and championing initiatives that promote personal and professional growth through creative workshops and career programs.

 General councillors

  1. Guangzheng Zhang 
  2. Yinfeng (Benny) Shen
  3. Minsu Pan 
  4. Eva Midtgaard
  5. Jinye (Dorothy) Liu
  6. Huiru Han
  7. Zheqi Ding
  8. Xuting Wang 
  9. Abha Sharma 
  10. Zehua Han 
  11. Sasha Bailey
  12. Nour Al Hammouri (starting 26 September 2024)
  13. WeiLai Wei (starting 26 September 2024)
  14. Yuhan Huang (starting 26 September 2024)
  15. Will Zhang (starting 27 January 2025, appointed to replace Xinxin (Frona) Wan)
  16. Justina Emoh (starting 31 January 2025)
  17. Xiaocheng (Luka) Guo (starting 31 January 2025).

Resigned councillors

  1. Xinxin (Frona) Wan (1 July 2024 – 27 January 2025)
  2. Yuanhao Ning (1 July – 12 December 2024)
  3. Dishpreet Singh (1 July – 24 October 2024).

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• Get free, confidential, independent, professional advice.