SUPRA Council – governance

After SUPRA’s annual General Election, the newly-elected council (‘council-elect’) holds internal elections to fill the positions of President, Vice-President, Education Officer, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director of Student Publications. Together, these office-bearers are known as ‘the Executive’, and hold their positions for a council term (1 July – 30 June).

Any councillor-elect can run in the Executive elections, but can’t hold more than one Executive position at a time. The Executive is responsible for SUPRA’s day-to-day management.

Each member of the Executive gives a monthly report to the SUPRA Council. This is for transparency and accountability, and to help all councillors keep up-to-date with what’s happening across the organisation.

The current SUPRA Executive is:


Xinxin (Frona) Wan and Xiaoyun (Vivian) Bai

The President is the General Manager of SUPRA, the council spokesperson and chairperson, and is responsible for leading representation of postgraduate students, and advocating on their behalf.

SUPRA President Duty Statement [PDF 190KB]


Co-Vice Presidents

Xingyan Zhou and Qiuming Zhang

The Vice-President supports the President, with a focus on governance, and can fulfil many of the duties of the President in the President’s absence.

SUPRA Vice President Duty Statement [PDF 187KB]


Education Officer

Weihong Liang

The Education Officer is responsible for representing and advocating for postgraduate students on issues that affect them.

SUPRA Education Officer Duty Statement [PDF 187KB]



Yuhang Li and Venkata Vishal Kotari

The Secretary oversees the official council correspondence and is responsible for council record-keeping.

SUPRA Secretary Duty Statement [PDF 183KB]



Jinyi (Dorothy) Liu

The Treasurer oversees SUPRA’s budget and is responsible for the management of expenditure.

SUPRA Treasurer Duty Statement [PDF 182KB]


Other offices

The SUPRA Constitution allows for the appointment of other office-bearing positions by the SUPRA Council as it may determine appropriate. These are distinct from the Executive positions.

Co-Directors of Student Publications

Anne Ailina Li and Xuan (Kate) Zhang

The Director of Student Publications oversees the production of SUPRA’s publications.

SUPRA Director of Student Publications Duty Statement [PDF 185KB]


Co-Community Engagement Officers

Dihao Zhu and Xinghuan Wang

The Community Engagement Officer is responsible for, jointly with the Executive, oversight of any community engagement activities of the Association and manager for events to build a diverse, inclusive and equal postgraduate community.

SUPRA Community Engagement Officer Duty Statement [PDF 189KB]


Higher Degree by Research Officer

The Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Officer is responsible for representing Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students and advocating on their behalfs, especially with regards to students from diverse and marginalised backgrounds.

SUPRA Higher Degree by Research Officer Duty Statement  [PDF 175KB]


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