Mission and purpose
SUPRA is the postgraduate student union at the Usyd, run by postgrads, for postgrads. We represent all postgrads at Usyd, and can help with any issues you face, academically and personally, during your studies.
SUPRA is governed by a council of postgraduate students who are elected each year by postgrad students. We also employ professional staff to provide professional services and assist SUPRA Council.
SUPRA is the only organisation in the history of the University of Sydney that has ever sought to represent all postgraduate students at the University. The core objectives of SUPRA are outlined in our Constitution as follows:
- The overriding object of the Association shall be to promote the interests of the University’s postgraduate students.
- The Association shall seek to reflect the views of postgraduate students of the University, and to that end shall consult their opinions regularly on matters of concern.
- The Association shall represent the postgraduate students of the University and make appropriate representations on their behalf. It shall seek to defend their needs and uphold their aspirations at all times.
- The Association shall provide independent representation, advocacy and advice to postgraduate students of the University of Sydney.
SUPRA is composed of representatives democratically elected by the postgraduate student body as well as professional staff who work towards the improvement of student issues and rights within the University and in society at large. SUPRA works to achieve this on individual levels by giving independent and professional advocacy and advice to postgraduate students on a range of issues including migration; supervisory problems; academic appeals; matters relating to coursework; harassment, discrimination and bullying; accommodation and tenancy; Centrelink; and fees: basically anything that may impact on your academic and general welfare.
SUPRA also works to address the systemic nature of some of these issues by consulting with areas of the University’s governance and addressing gaps in their policies that adversely affect students. We also work to represent students more broadly, such as in matters where individual representation might be difficult due to concerns of reprisal, or to ensure that there is an equal playing field against larger institutions. SUPRA provides an independent critical voice, urging the University and Australian Governments towards best practices for students.
SUPRA also recognises that part of the support necessary for completing higher education is social. So SUPRA seeks to provide social networks, events and publications to help postgraduate students remain connected to the University and their fellow postgraduate students.
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