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A complaint is a way to raise an issue with the faculty or the University over matters such as discrimination, harassment and bullying, or against the quality of teaching or assessment.
Making a complaint is not the appropriate process to change your mark.
It is your right to make a complaint to the faculty or to the University via the Student Affairs Unit (SAU). Complaints could also be made about:
Different types of complaints are dealt with by different areas of the University, and some complaints may be taken to authorities outside of the University.
Academic appeals versus complaints
The University has two separate processes through which students can raise concerns: academic appeals and complaints.
An academic appeal allows you to raise concerns over a specific academic decision or a breach in due process in making an academic decision. Read the University’s information on academic appeals.
A complaint is a formal process to address issues with your faculty or the University. You can lodge a complaint against any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying, or an issue with the quality of teaching or assessment. Read the University’s information on complaints.
Students are encouraged to try to resolve issues informally. You may contact your unit coordinator or the Associate Dean of Education in your faculty as a starting point. If this is not appropriate in your situation, or if the response from your faculty is not satisfactory, you can lodge a complaint with the SAU.
You can make a complaint verbally or in writing.
The University is committed to resolving complaints in a fair and timely manner. If you make a complaint to the SAU, they should notify you of the next relevant steps within 5 working days.
At the preliminary stage, the SAU may decide that the complaint is not able to be handled by the University and will notify you with reasons. If the SAU decides that the complaint can be handled by the University, you will be assigned a case manager who will start a preliminary assessment to determine appropriate action.
A complaint that could constitute an act of misconduct, or could involve criminal behaviour, will be referred to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Registrar).
In most cases, you have 12 months from the time of the incident to make a complaint to the SAU. You can submit a complaint later than this date, but the SAU may decide not to act if no further incidents have occurred in the past 12 months.
Read more about complaints on the University website.
If you are doing a group work assessment and experience conflict with your group members, try to discuss your issues directly with your unit coordinator, or contact us for advice.
If you receive a low mark for a group work assessment, group work complaints are different from making an academic appeal. Contact us if you need assistance.
If you have been sexually assaulted or harassed, remember that it is not your fault. There are options available to file a report or lodge a complaint. SUPRA caseworkers can give you confidential advice and support. What you decide to do is always your choice.
Related article:
Complaints regarding discrimination, harassment and bullying can be lodged with the University, or with the NSW Ombudsman, NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, or the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Read the following articles for information about how to make these types of complaints:
The University will consider complaints to do with intellectual property. Get advice on intellectual property from our legal service.
Related article:
After the investigation into your complaint is complete, you will receive a written report on the outcome of the investigation. The SAU will advise you if you have the right to appeal the decision. If eligible for an appeal, you will need to contact the SAU within 10 days of being notified of the outcome. Contact us for advice.
Depending on the nature of the complaint, you may also choose to contact external bodies such as:
Contact us for advice on these options.
If you receive notice that a complaint has been made about you, we strongly recommend that you contact us for advice. We can help you understand the complaint and what your options are.
University helplines
The University has free helplines to assist students with any questions or concerns:
Student Counselling Service
Navigating complaint processes can be challenging. It is reasonable to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious. If you need someone to talk to, the University’s Student Counselling Service provide free, confidential services.
Safer Communities Office
If your complaint is about any type of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault or harassment, you can get immediate, confidential support from an experienced, specialist staff member at the Safer Communities Office.
You can always contact us for support and guidance.
All policies are available on the University Policy Register:
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Written by SUPRA Postgraduate Advocacy Service March 2023.
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