If a student is suspected of plagiarism or academic dishonesty, the matter may be handled by the unit coordinator or Educational Integrity Coordinator (EIC), depending on whether the integrity breach is considered a minor or major breach.
All allegations of contract cheating will be handled by the Office of Educational Integrity and referred to the Registrar.
The University takes academic integrity very seriously. There are 3 types of academic integrity breaches:
On this page we explain each type of academic integrity breach, and how to respond.
Contact us immediately if you receive a misconduct allegation. An accusation of academic misconduct can have serious consequences for your degree.
If a student is considered to have a minor breach, such as plagiarism and recycling, unit coordinator’s are empowered to resolve the matter. If you have no previous breaches, your unit coordinator may direct you to undertake an approved development activity on academic integrity. You may also receieve a penalty applied to the assessment or task. For example, a mark reduction, or having to submit a corrected version of the assessment with a maximum mark.
If you have a prior record, the unit coordinator may determine your matter constitutes a more serious breach and will refer your case to the EIC.
You must follow the instructions on the notification letter you receive from your unit coordinator. If you disagree with the decision that you have committed a minor breach, you can appeal. Instructions on how to appeal are included at the bottom of the notification letter.
If you are suspected of a major breach, this will be investigated by your faculty’s Educational Integrity Coordinator (EIC). You will be notified of the allegation through your student dashboard. You will be asked to respond before any decision is made.
Major breaches include:
Your allegation notice will have instructions on how to respond. Most allegation notices will request that you respond to the allegation either in a meeting or in writing.
You must reply within 7 days – either to accept a meeting, or by submitting a written response. If your allegation letter only offers a meeting, you may be able to ask to submit a written response instead.
If you do not reply or submit a response within 7 days, you will receive a reminder on day 8. After 15 days, if you still have not submitted a response, a decision will be made without it.
We recommend that you do the following:
Try to stay calm. The process is designed to be fair to you.
The EIC will consider your response and all the evidence. They will then decide whether there has been:
While the possible outcomes and penalties vary from case to case, the University’s Academic Integrity Decision-Making and Penalty Guidelines 2023 is the policy that guides these decisions.
The EIC will inform you and your unit of study coordinator. Your work will be assessed on its academic merit and no penalties will be applied.
If the EIC decides you are responsible for a minor breach, this will usually result in the following penalty:
If this is your second minor breach, you are likely to receive a more severe penalty.
If the EIC decides you are responsible for a major breach, they may decide to:
If this is your second major breach, you are likely to receive a more severe penalty.
If you have more questions about a major breach allegation, read our frequently asked questions, or contact us for advice.
At its most severe level, academic dishonesty can constitute academic misconduct. Academic misconduct investigations can lead to heavy penalties that include suspension or exclusion from your degree. If you receive an allegation of academic misconduct, you should contact us immediately, before you respond to the University.
If the EIC decides that the actions might constitute academic misconduct, research misconduct, or a breach of the Student Charter, they will refer the matter to either the Registrar (coursework) or the Director (research). You will receive a notification asking you to participate in a misconduct investigation.
A common form of academic misconduct is when another person writes or contributes to your assessment, otherwise known as contract cheating. Helping another student by writing their assessment for them, or giving your assignment for them to copy and submit as their own work, is another form of academic misconduct.
More on academic misconduct allegations (frequently asked questions).
Check the University policy register, in particular:
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Written by SUPRA Postgraduate Advocacy Service February 2023
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