Casual council vacancies

Throughout the course of the year, members of SUPRA Council may resign from their position, or have their position declared vacant under certain circumstances. When this occurs, a casual vacancy is created and the council will call for nominations from postgraduate students.

SUPRA announces casual council vacancies in our Grad Post newsletter, on our website, and on social media. Any SUPRA member can nominate to fill a casual vacancy.

Casual vacancies are filled in SUPRA Council meetings. During a council meeting, candidates are given an opportunity to speak for approximately 2 minutes about their nomination. SUPRA councillors then ask general questions of all candidates.

Candidates are asked to leave the room, and a secret ballot is conducted. In the vote, it is possible for councillors to choose ‘No Candidate’, meaning that the vacancies may remain unfilled. There is no guarantee of filling a position by default.

Both successful and unsuccessful nominees are invited to attend the remainder of the Council meeting.

Email the council secretary at for further information about joining SUPRA Council.

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