The research code of conduct and you
The responsibilities of all University staff, students and affiliates undertaking research at the University are laid out in the University of Sydney Research Code of Conduct. Compliance with the Research Code of Conduct is mandatory and the University assumes that you are aware of your obligations under the Research Code of Conduct if you are engaging in research at the University.
The Responsible Research Practice module, available through Canvas and CareerPath should be completed by all researchers at the University. This 20 to 40 minute self-paced module provides tutorial-based examples of appropriate research conduct and aims to improve your understanding of the Research Code of Conduct.
Careers in research depend on a reputation for good research conduct and high-quality research which is trustworthy and reproducible. Compliance with research standards is also critical in the protection of you and your research, as well as retaining the community’s trust and confidence in the University’s research activities.
Breaches of the Research Code of Conduct are managed by the Research Integrity Office using the processes detailed in Part 2 of the Research Code of Conduct.
If breaches are substantiated, there can be significant consequences, depending on the seriousness. Examples of potential consequences include reputational impacts, loss of funding, restrictions on applying for grants, delays in the examination or awarding of your thesis, publication embargoes, and in severe cases, revocation of degrees.
You can contact a Research Integrity Adviser (RIA) or Research Integrity if you need any help understanding the Research Code of Conduct. You can also contact SUPRA for help, or if you have received notice of a potential breach.
Written by the Research Integrity Office
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Written September 2022
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