Resources, advice and information for Usyd research candidates.

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• renting and housing
• common legal problems
• health, medical and other useful services.

Get help from a caseworker or solicitor.

Our services are here for you.

Postgraduate Advocacy Service

Our caseworkers are experts on Uni policy, and advocate on behalf of Usyd postgrads to improve your rights and research conditions. 

SUPRA Legal Service

Our solicitors can assist with a wide range of legal issues, from intellectual property to contracts, as well as visas and migration law.

HDR news

2025 postgrad wall calendar: available now!

2025 postgrad wall calendar: available now!

We can send you a calendar! Our 2025 postgrad wall calendar is here! Featuring all the main Uni dates, holidays and days of significance, and SUPRA events, it's your key to planning 2025. You can use the form below to order your free wall calendar and we will send it...

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Support fairer taxation for research students

Support fairer taxation for research students

Currently, part-time HDR students have their Research Training Program (RTP) stipends taxed, while full-time students receive these stipends tax-free. This unfairly disadvantages part-time students, especially those who are disabled, carers, or balancing multiple...

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Share your thoughts on the Uni’s HDR Supervision Policy

Share your thoughts on the Uni’s HDR Supervision Policy

In the coming months the Uni will begin reviewing all its policies related to HDR candidature and students. We want you to share your views on research supervision with us, so we can make sure your voices are heard in the review process. We invite all HDR students to...

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BlakOut journal

BlakOut: An Anthology of First Nations Students’ Scholarship is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal of First Nations students’ scholarship.

Supervisor of the Year
SUPRA Supervisor of the Year Awards aim to promote, recognise and reward excellence in Higher Degree by Research supervision. 
HDR Grad Post

We publish quarterly HDR editions of our newsletter, Grad Post. Read the latest edition here, and browse past editions.

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 • Connect with your postgrad community.

• Have a say in decisions that affect your studies.

• Use our free, confidential, independent and professional casework and legal services.