Exams start soon, so we’ve compiled some useful information to help you survive this exam period.
Take care of yourself
While it’s important to be prepared, it is just as important to look after yourself. Take breaks, eat regularly and try to get enough sleep. This will also help you study better.
Don’t isolate yourself. Talk to your friends or family if you’re feeling worried, and don’t be afaid to reach out to classmates for help. If you need a counsellor the University’s Student Counselling Service offers free appointments. You can also download the TalkCampus app for anonymous support from peers around the world, or call the Uni’s 24-hour mental wellbeing support line.
SUPRA’s professional caseworkers are also here to help you with almost anything you might need. Contact us for help.
Exam prep and support
Book an exam space on campus: if you have no space to take your online exam or need to use a University computer, you can book a University computer and space to take your exam. If you have an open-book exam, you can also book a space in the library.
Focus & Study! at the Quarter: there are still some spots left for these 2-hour sessions with the Library’s Peer Learning Advisors, where they teach you different study techniques. You can attend in-person or on Zoom.
Brain Gains with SUSF: a 45-minute class to refresh and stretch. You can attend online or in-person.
Free breakfast for USU members: from 7–24 November, USU is offering free breakfast for members from their food truck outside Fisher Library. 9am-11am, Monday-Thursday. They also have cheap lunches for USU members and $2 coffees from 5–8pm at Fisher cafe.
Academic dishonesty
Students can face serious consequences if they are found to have engaged in academic dishonesty. Always check the exam rules for each exam so you’re not caught using prohibited materials.
If you receive an allegation of academic dishonesty, contact us for help as soon as possible.
Special consideration
If you are unable to sit your exam or your exam has been affected by illness, injury or misadventure, you can apply for special consideration. You must apply within 3 days of the exam. A late special consideration application will only be approved if you have strong documentation. Contact us for assistance.
Good luck!
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