We wish you the best of luck with exams starting next week!

Your devices during exams

If you are sitting a supervised (ProctorU) online exam, take precautions to make sure your digital footprint doesn’t look suspicious. For example, ensure you use your own device only, and do not allow family members or friends to use any of your devices. Canva and other University of Sydney apps can update in the background and create the impression that you could be cheating. Check the Uni’s guidelines to ensure you’re prepared.

Disability adjustments

If you are registered with Inclusion and Disability Services, you will be eligible for reasonable adjustments for your exams. These can include extra time, additional breaks, timetable adjustments, or access to assistive technology. Speak to your Inclusion and Disability Caseworker if you are unsure about exam adjustments. To access exam adjustments, you must register with disability services at least three weeks before the commencement of your first exam week.

Managing your adjustments during your exam

It can be useful to document the adjustments you have arranged and bring a copy to your exam. Please contact our casework service for further information and advice. If your adjustments include additional breaks, take care to ensure your equipment and notes remain the same before and after your breaks.

Special consideration and exams

Being sick during your exam period can be difficult. If you are unwell and can’t sit an exam you must apply for special consideration with the appropriate medical documentation. If you feel unwell before your exam and don’t believe you will be able to complete your exam, stay home, obtain medical documentation such as a Professional Practitioner Certificate and lodge an application for special consideration within 3 working days. University policy says that once you begin an exam you will be considered ‘fit to sit’. If your condition changes and you become unwell during the exam, you can still apply for special consideration if you see a doctor immediately after your exam and get a medical certificate. Simple extensions cannot be applied to exams. Contact our casework service for further advice.

If you are still unwell for your replacement exam

If you apply for special consideration and are offered a replacement exam, but you are still unwell, you can apply for further special consideration. Remember to gather appropriate documentation and submit your application within 3 working days of your replacement exam date.

Special consideration for students impacted by conflict

Students who are impacted by conflict (such as in Palestine, Lebanon and Iran) may be eligible for special consideration throughout the examination period. Given the ‘fit to sit’ rule, it is important that if you think you may be impacted, you apply for special consideration before the exam takes place. Please contact our casework service for further information and advice.

Check out the Exam Ready program

The Uni’s Exam Ready program offers free food, study sessions, free workshops, relaxing study breaks and meditation sessions.