In NSW, international students and part-time students are excluded from the transport concession scheme. These students are forced to pay full fair for their transport – double what domestic, full-time students pay.
Demand equal concessions for all students – sign the petition now!
SUPRA has been fighting for equal transport concessions for years, but the NSW government continues to exclude international and part-time students from any form of discounted travel. Here’s a history of some of the key moments of the campaign:
  • In 2006, a tribunal found that international students were being discriminated against by NSW transport. SUPRA took the issue to the Equal Opportunity Division of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal, who found that excluding international students from the transport concession scheme was in breach of the Anti-Discrimination Act.
  • The NSW government responded by changing the Transport Administration Act (1988), so that it can avoid complying with the Anti-Discrimination Act (1977).
  • SUPRA is now advocating that the Anti-Discrimination Act be strengthened to ensure that all NSW legislation must comply with it. Last week, we lodged a submission to the NSW Law Commission’s review of the Anti-Discrimination Act (1977). Hopefully, this submission, along with our petition to the NSW Parliament, will pave the way for all students to access travel concessions.

International students and part-time students are still paying double, despite soaring costs of living, but the NSW government doesn’t care.

Sign the petition now.

Read our full submission to the NSW Law Commission’s review of the Anti-Discrimination Act.